Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saying Good-bye

Friday was my “despedida” or good-bye party. It was a bitter-sweet night: I enjoyed myself immensely but kept being reminded that there are so many precious people here I’ll miss. Oh, and we had absolutely amazing food. I love celebrating like a little piggy!

Over the course of the night I was also reminded of the fact that the words “good-bye” are simply not sufficient. How do you really say good-bye to someone and communicate all the love you’ve felt for them? All the great memories? Especially if I’m not going to see them for a long time, or maybe never again! How can you put that type of good-bye into words? I found that my vocabulary just wasn’t sufficient. I hope that my friends felt my heart through my hugs.

I also feel like the party confirmed that it’s my moment to exit Argentina. There were so many people who were a special part of my Argentine adventure who should have been at my despedida, but they’re all gone now! I’m the only one left of the 12 Americans who took the TEFL course with me during my first month here two years ago. And you know what? I went to all of their despedidas. I’ve probably been to 20 despedidas over the last two years. That’s too many. I’m glad that this last one was mine.

I don’t want more good-byes, although the next few weeks will be full of them. The silver lining, though is that I’m returning in a month and then I’ll be able to change my tune and say “hello!” to everyone I’ve been missing so much.

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