Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm sick and making lists.

Things I miss about the United States
  1. My family and friends: people who’ve known me for years.
  2. What I consider to be "normal" hours for living, working
    and playing.
  3. Reliability: a plan is a plan and it happens on time.
  4. Dating as something to be taken seriously.
  5. Salad dressing, Mexican food and big cups of coffee.
  6. Clean streets, clean cities, clean people: cleanliness.
  7. Owning a car and not being required to use public transportation.
  8. Wearing high heels and having flat surfaces to walk on.
  9. How polite and professional people tend to be.
  10. Financial stability and a reliable currency: making dollars.

Things I heart about Argentina
  1. How easy it is to make amazing friends here.
  2. Independence and solitude: my life is so very mine.
  3. An interesting job that challenges me personally and professionally.
  4. Discovering the world in Spanish – little accomplishments happen every day. Like a remix of my worldview.
  5. Sitting and talking over coffee for two hours without glancing at my watch.
  6. That no one cares if you’re late… in fact it’s odd if you’re on time. Especially for work.
  7. The incredible sweets: facturas and dulce de leche? Mmmm…
  8. Walking everywhere and truly experiencing the weather.
  9. The up-front, frank Argentine way of relating to the world.
  10. That people want to chat with me because I’m unique here and I talk funny.


Susan La said...

Things I love about you:
1. Your so unique and interesting. Never boring.
2. Your ability to express yourself so well. Your interesting!3. Your love and devotion to the people you have relationships with.
4. That your in my life!!! XOXO

Things I don't like:
1. I can never hug you, but yeah(!)for Skype (at least I see you)!
2. It is a long way to your house from mine.
3. That I can't bring you soup if your sick.
4. That in order to get paid for my job I actually have to go there and do it! Hmmph!

Amber D said...

Hey, that's a pretty damn good list. I love it! You're awesome, ma :)
Huge hug (and maybe I should put "Mom's delicious soup" on my things I miss list... it would be right up there with "Mom's world-class muffin skills!"

Sly said...

Hi, Amber. I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm glad you didn't post a lot since it only took me a few hours to read all of your adventures since you moved to BsAs.

Anywhoo, you're a very cool and interesting person. As I mentioned in one of my earlier comments, my name is Sly Masters and I'm Tiffany Joy's friend.

Saw a typical TJ pic with her interesting facial expressions with you in it...and it peaked my curiosity...

...I delved further and stumbled upon your blog...anywhoo, thank you for sharing your adventures.

It was a pleasure to read. I hope we may be pen friends whenever there is a interesting moment to write.

Anywhoo, once again, I hope you are feeling better soon and have a terrific week.

Besos, Sly :-)