My friend Teri and I:
I'm sitting on the floor since it's so crowded!
Strangely enough, I actually think that I am following politics more here in Argentina than I did in the US. When I was single and in college I felt politically interested and aware, but when I lived and worked in the OC I just didn’t care much. I was too wrapped up in my little life. However, being here has re-awakened a curiosity about the world and my own home country. I actually spend a lot of time discussing world affairs with my students. They are all so incredibly intelligent and unique; I can bring up the same topic in a few of my different conversation classes and hear completely different perspectives. I absolutely love this! While I’m never going to be the most politically informed human, I definitely enjoy having it be a part of my little life.
And just in case you are wondering, I support Obama. I’ll be attending the absentee voting party October 8th to send off my vote!