Sunday, September 28, 2008

American Politics in Argentina

My friend Teri and I:
I'm sitting on the floor since it's so crowded!
Friday I attended a showing of the Presidential Debates hosted by a “democrats abroad” group here in Buenos Aires. It was so much fun! The place was completely packed and I ended up sitting on the floor but had a great view. It was like watching the Superbowl at a bar: except much more political. People cheered. People booed! We had beer and pizza and scandalously criticized everything that was said.

Strangely enough, I actually think that I am following politics more here in Argentina than I did in the US. When I was single and in college I felt politically interested and aware, but when I lived and worked in the OC I just didn’t care much. I was too wrapped up in my little life. However, being here has re-awakened a curiosity about the world and my own home country. I actually spend a lot of time discussing world affairs with my students. They are all so incredibly intelligent and unique; I can bring up the same topic in a few of my different conversation classes and hear completely different perspectives. I absolutely love this! While I’m never going to be the most politically informed human, I definitely enjoy having it be a part of my little life.

And just in case you are wondering, I support Obama. I’ll be attending the absentee voting party October 8th to send off my vote!


Kellyn and Daniel said...

We can't WAIT to vote for Obama! If he isn't elected we may have to move down there with you. ; P

It's funny, when I was in Greece for the last election the had politics parties as well. Although I missed it because I was too drunk somewhere else. It's funny though how much more they know about our country than we do theirs or any others for the matter!

Anonymous said...

Okay, your friend Teri seriously looks like my mom. No joke! Weird?